Wednesday, December 31, 2008

iPhone bluetooth facts

Well, as this is the first in what I hope will be many posts to track the progress of a fully functional Bluetooth application on the iPhone.

As of yet there are no exploits known to the general community on how to 'pwn' or otherwise allow for bluetooth app development. I have compiled some facts to do with iPhone bluetooth as a reference for any budding deveopers out there! :)

{Warning! technical content follows!}

1. The actual BT chip in iPhone 3G is a BlueCore 6

2. The iPhone 2G chip is a BlueCore 4

3. Both chips are *relatively* the same in design - that is if you pwn one it will be easy to pwn the other.

4. Interesting device files are the /dev/*.bluetooth family of files and gives UART access to the chip, currently no other devices can be discovered through this means of communication.

5. is a great source of information/datasheets!

Thats enough for now, however I will post more info as it comes.


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